A President Obama is going to raise taxes on everyone (except, of course, his bedrock base of indigents who will get welfare checks I mean "tax credits" and his super-rich elitist enablers who know all the tricks to avoid paying them).
First of all, he's going to let the Bush tax cuts expire, and not count that as a tax-hike. He'll say stuff like "We're just putting them back to where they were when Clinton was in office."
In other words, he's going to restore the massive 1993 tax-hike that Clinton enacted first thing when he got into office (with the help of Democrats controlling both houses of congress, and which slowed down an economy that was already recovering and primed for expansion).
That would be like adding insult to insult of the injury of Bush 41 losing his bid for a second term to Clinton-- in great part because he broke his own "Read My Lips" pledge of not raising taxes.
So Bush 41 had lost his credibility because he raised taxes when he pledged he wouldn't, while the unknown Clinton had yet to lose any and so could contrast himself by credibly saying that he wouldn't, but enacted an historically huge tax hike first-thing, anyway (which began the erosion of his own credibility).
Eight years later, Bush 43 reversed those hikes (a reversal which, btw, had nothing to do with the meltdown underway and a lot to do with the excellent expansion we've enjoyed), so we went back to pre-Clinton tax-rates.
And so, by letting the Bush 43 tax-cuts expire, a President Obama will restore what originally was Clinton's broken campaign promise not to hike taxes on the middle class and argue that it doesn't count as a "tax-hike."
Further exploiting the well-established short-term memory of the American people (if not their stupidity after having their minds sandblasted by liberal academia, popular culture, and the liberal infiltration and makeovers of the Ideological State Apparatus, as Comrade Gramsci prescribed for a stealth
coup d-etat of Western culture)--and this is a prediction, mark it--a President Obama, by the 1993 role model or direct, present day counsel of Bill Clinton, will raise even more taxes than would be raised by the expiration of the Bush tax cuts by explaining:
"It's worse than I thought when I was campaigning, and we're going to need an 'Emergency Economic Stimulus.'"
That's exactly how Clinton played it (and what he called it, which is simply Democrat-speak for tax-hikes, despite the recovery already underway, as Bush 41 tried to assure), and the mythology of some paradisical, economic Eden being created by the succesful passage of the 1993 "emergency stimulus" (i.e. the historically huge tax hike on everyone who paid taxes despite campaign promises to the contrary) will be referenced by a President Obama to justify his own tax-hike
on top of Clinton's kicking back in when the Bush cuts are allowed to expire.
That's audacity, alright, and he could very well get away with it.
For a long time now, Clinton was ridiculously crediting his 1993 tax hike for the economic expansion that boomed at the end of the decade.
It was a quiet boast, at the time (before his post-Katrina rehabilitation), and roundly ridiculed and dismissed--by almost everyone-- as just another pathetic attempt by the impeached president to scrape up some credit for the only positive thing about his disgraced presidency that he could hang his hat on (if only by his fortuitous presence), an expanding economy, and so the boast, buried among countless others and made vaporous by Clinton's well-earned reputation for saying things that mean nothing, was forgotten.
Indeed, to say that his "Emergency Economic Stimulus Bill" was the Prime Mover of an expansion that (1) began a year before he took office, (2) was stalled with hiccupping interest rates after the tax-hikes were passed in his first year, (3) trudged anemically along while Hillary tried--and failed--to socialize 1/7 of the macroeconomy (the health service field), (4) but then began to trot
after the Republicans and their "Contract With America" consequentially took over both houses of congress in the '94 midterm elections (
forcing Clinton to cut taxes, balance the budget, and reform welfare), (5) all in tandem with the accelerating Tech Revolution (a revolution on par with the preceding Industrial and Agricultural Revolution in being a milestone for human civilization, and driven by a Bill named Gates) that (6) began to balloon faster and bigger than Clinton's own big, FAT, HEAD (because of a climate that Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan described as being driven by "irrational exuberance" during the dot.com craze), and (7) had more inflated numbers behind it due to the book-cooking of megacorporations like Enron and Worldcom by mega-accountants like Arthur Anderson (both 6 & 7 paying the piper in Bush 43's first year in office), to say that Clinton's 1993 "emergency economic stimulus bill" (i.e. the historically huge tax-hike) provided the wings for that economic flight--as he himself did say--is worthy of derision and became eminently forgettable.
But I remember, and after eight years of all the above falling away into the past like a sunken ship falling through the depths-- while being mythologized by landlubbing yarn-spinners-- it is that vicissitudinal history which has been forgotten, and that one quiet, self-aggrandizing and rightfully ridiculed assessment from long ago that will float to the surface: "It was the 1993 Emergency Economic Stimulus bill that was responsible for the unprecedented (whatever) prosperity of the Clinton Era (the late 1990's, anyway)."
He got away with saying that because of a media that was a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.
And a President Obama will get away with saying that, too, easily, because the media has now become two arms and two legs for the Democratic Party.