
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door." The Statue of Liberty (P.S. Please be so kind as to enter through the proper channels and in an orderly fashion)

Location: Arlington, Virginia, United States

Monday, June 16, 2008


June 11: People crowd a beach in Cocoa Beach, Fla., to watch the launch of the Delta II rocket that is carrying the NASA Glast, a NASA acronym standing for Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope. NASA launched the telescope mission from nearby Cape Canaveral to scout out elusive, super high-energy gamma rays lurking in the universe.

Meanwhile, the gamma-rayed goliath known far-&-wide as THE INCREDIBLE HULK takes theaters by storm!


(@ a cineplex near you!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good work, newbie troll! It looks like you scared him out of politics.

We might have to promote you.

8:16 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

heh...don't bank on it!

7:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROTFL! Like the trolls here dictate blog political content. I'd say they were just green with envy. Right wingers have viable blogs w/interesting content and readers, which left wing trolls are envious of and are reduced to commenting about, feeding off the crumbs which fall from the right's tables. Why? No reasonable person would go out of his way to read what a left-wing fool thinks.

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More likely that Hulk is John, after hearing the latest stunt being pulled by Virginia state Democrats...

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well! Thank you, B, but these poor creeturs are bad in need of eddication, so I might just drop back here once in a while to do a little constructive redassing.

It's easy work and does so much good for so many poor, needy wingbats.

They need to be readied for their permanent minority status.

If I can harden just one of them up and prevent their suicide, it will have all been worth it...especially if all the rest of them aren't saved, thereby, by our efforts.

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More likely that Hulk is John, after hearing the latest stunt being pulled by Virginia state Democrats... following the law regarding voting rights is a stunt...duuuuuh.

No, pinhead, trying to prevent that is the stunt.

9:57 AM  
Blogger John said...

"I'd say they were just green with envy."


Kelly: They always do bank on how things "look," end up looking like fools doing so, and scream that much louder in lieu of honest introspection and admitting their folly.

(Notice that, when describing leftists, you can just as well be describing bratty kids.)

Berty: Are we ahead of the curve here, or what? (Alice actually turned my attention in that direction.)

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The GW Hoover Econ Miracle Continues!!

June 16, 2008
Nearly Half of Wall St. Bank Profits Are Gone

Only a year ago, Wall Street reveled in an era of superlatives: record
deals, record profit, record pay. But a mere 12 months later, nearly
half of the profits that major banks reaped during that age of riches
have vanished.

The numbers are staggering. Between early 2004 and mid-2007, a period
of unprecedented wealth on Wall Street, seven of the nation’s largest
financial companies earned a combined $254 billion in profits.

But since last July, those same banks — Bank of America, Citigroup,
JPMorgan Chase, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs and
Morgan Stanley — have written down the value of the assets they hold by
$107.2 billion, gutting their earnings and share prices. Worldwide, the
reckoning totals $380 billion, much of which reflects a plunge in the
value of tricky mortgage investments.

More downbeat news is expected this week, when several big banks,
including the ailing Lehman Brothers, are scheduled to report results
for the latest quarter. As the tally of losses keeps growing, many bank
executives — and their shareholders — keep asking the same question:
When will the pain end?

But the finish line just seems to keep moving further away. Even when
the losses end, bank executives are looking toward a new era of lower
returns, thinner profits and fewer jobs. Greater scrutiny from
regulators is forcing Wall Street firms to reduce their use of
leverage, or borrowed money, which had fueled profits in good times but
backfired when the credit crisis struck last summer. Nearly every
finance company is cutting jobs and battening down.

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will Obama be another FDR who cleaned up a giant GOP mess and started America on its way to the best fifty years in its history...on top of the world economically and diplomatically?

I'm afraid he's just another moderate, big business GOP like Clinton who was such a consummate corporate whore that he won the great admiration of Murderoch and Scaife.

11:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh...hold off a minnit

im introspectorating and thinking ass well of a folly to admit to

dont want to come off as totally perfect

11:11 AM  
Blogger John said...

"Will Obama be another FDR who cleaned up a giant GOP mess and started America on its way to the best fifty years in its history...on top of the world economically and diplomatically?"

How can that be? If all the hysterical Doomsday scenarios (brought on by Bush) are to be believed, Obama will inherit an (irreversible) global economic meltdown, a global environmental one, and more terrorist activity (because Bush "created" them).

Unless, of course, he's some kind of magical Messiah.

Oh, wait, right, he is.

11:14 AM  
Blogger John said...

...or, the hysterical, Doomsday scenarios are lies.

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GOP/Spam economy...

Economy forces major shift in spending
Consumers stay home and opt for frozen foods, Spam and crafts
By Jennifer Waters, MarketWatch
Last update: 2:39 p.m. EDT June 15, 2008
CHICAGO (MarketWatch) -- Wondering how consumers are coping in such a troubled economy? Look at what's selling instead of which sales are tanking.
As consumers muddle through all that is plaguing the U.S. economy, they have battened down the hatches and sharply shifted their spending habits, turning to money-saving options that run the gamut from transportation to health as they find ways to pay for dramatic increases in gasoline and food.
Video: Vespa sales take off
Vespa sales have spiked as oil prices rise. MarketWatch's Jennifer Waters takes a test ride to see whether the hype matches reality. (June 13)
What emerges is a new paradigm of consumerism that some experts believe will live long after this economic crisis is resolved.
"Suddenly consumers are focused on buying what they have to have as opposed to buying what they want to have," said Howard Davidowitz, chairman of Davidowitz & Associates, a New York-based retail consulting and investment-banking firm.
"This is a permanent change for Americans, who will face a declining standard of living over the next 20 years," he added

12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can that be? If all the hysterical Doomsday scenarios (brought on by Bush) are to be believed, Obama will inherit an (irreversible) global economic meltdown, a global environmental one, and more terrorist activity (because Bush "created" them).

Actually, you make a very good point for once. It may very well be irreversible this time.

I think it's very likely that you've done so much damage this time that we will never recover.

If not, you'll do it next time people are stuped enough to put you back in office.

12:13 PM  
Blogger John said...

"If not, you'll do it next time people are stuped (sic) enough..."

That's not a typo. The "e" & "i" keys are directly opposite of each other.

This one sees things backwards/upside down and inverts because they have dyslexia.

Or have the spelling abilities of a third grader.

12:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


spell this...

bottom of the barrel

i think they just gave up completely

why not?

it's ovah (sick)

1:50 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

Republicus, you went too far this time and posted about science. You DO realize that the MySpace youngsters know less about that than they do even politics, no? Since their attention goes no further than their dose of Ridallin does, you lost them.

I am personally kind of excited about this new Gamma detector. It will be a lot like the Hubble, but it will be able to see much farther since the wavelengths are such a higher energy.

2:16 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

They must not be able to read sarchasm, John.

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a bit of a "wide angle" gamma ray detector, though phelonius. I think the SWIFT observatory has probably stolen a lot of GLAST's glory by their accidental capture of a "live" gamma ray burst a couple of months ago.

4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, of course they're not racist scum:

GOP convention button asks, ‘If Obama is president…will we still call it the White House?’»
A booth at this weekend’s Texas Republican convention sold buttons asking, “If Obama Is President…Will We Still Call It The White House?”:

The company that makes the buttons boasts providing “Patriotic and Republican Products.”

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

flat earthers talkin science?

thats scary

inventors goin to the tower?

4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gotta go

need my Ridaltin (sic em rin tin tin)

oh thats sarcHasm (sick)

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he open can o worms

Diet of Wurms?

4:31 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

Two things I notice is that the MySpace kiddoes are all about race and racism, and that they are just unable to talk about anything, even if it is not political. SURPRISE!

Not sure how a Gamma observatory has anything to do with race....but so be it I guess.

FJ, it is the wide angle thing I am most interested in. The wider the field, the better that we can determine distances from phenomena that occurs. The problem so far with gamma radiation observatories is that we have had a lot of trouble agreeing on how these things are away from us.

To the MySpace kids: please continue to underestimate who we are and what we understand. Someday, if you grow up, you will realize how badly that can backfire. But I seriously do not care about that. You think you rattle me with childish names, when really children should be quiet when the adults are speaking.

To date, not a one of those silly asses has debated me one a single political ideal of any kind. In fact, what I get is that "we don't have time" and "oh I cannot do that." Well of course you cannot. That is because you have no education, and worse, your families have not raised you to know how to deal with adults in a civilized discourse.

I tell you what....let me predict:

Instead of sensible answers or questions, you will just blather more insults and names and you will think that that impresses me somehow. SHUSH, children, when the adults are speaking it is rude to interrupt.

5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile in the REAL WORLD, outside the bounds of Al Gore's fictional global warming Imaginationland..

In February of 2007 a small group named the Tennessee Center for Policy Research published an interesting little story that made Al Gore, the king of global warming alarmism, look a tad foolish. The report that TCPR sent out showed that Al Gore's own home was an energy hog. The TCPR report revealed that Al Gore's Tennessee mansion used more energy each month than the average American household uses in an entire year. In a response to this report, Gore claimed that he was diligently working to make his home more green, but now it looks like Gore is being gored again because a year down the line his energy use hasn't gone down. It hasn't even stayed level. It actually increased by 10%. How will the media handle this bloated increase despite Gore's claims of trying to improve?

In 2007, to a sensational reception the TCPR noted that the Gore family burned through energy at an amazing rate saying, "Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh -- guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359."

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mora: Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo are ‘first and second identifiable causes of U.S. combat deaths in Iraq.’»
Today, the Senate Armed Services Committee held a hearing on detainee interrogation. Testifying before the committee, former Navy general counsel Alberto Mora, who battled within the Pentagon to shut down the use of torture, blasted the Bush administration’s abusive detention practices as leading to the recruitment of new radicals and the deaths of more American soldiers:

[T]here are serving U.S. flag-rank officers who maintain that the first and second identifiable causes of U.S. combat deaths in Iraq — as judged by their effectiveness in recruiting insurgent fighters into combat — are, respectively the symbols of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.

6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of sensible answers or questions, you will just blather more insults and names and you will think that that impresses me somehow. SHUSH, children, when the adults are speaking it is rude to interrupt.

thinks it's all about him.

6:08 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

Oh, but Alice?

How DARE we illiterate Flat-Earthers point out something like that? Do we not know our PLACE? How is it that an average citizen can look at his elitism and scoff? He is the representative of the New Aristocracy, and they expect to be obeyed, not questioned. When the Queen of England sells a plot of land, the commoners have no say in that, so how do you suspect that we can criticize AlGore for anything that he does? He is preaching the new religion. We illiterates are expected to just buckle and BELIEVE because we have been told to do so.

So, the next time your representative gets into THEIR private jet and burns 5 times what the average car driver will burn in a year, you just have to remember that it is because your bettors have told us that that is only rational, and we should allow for that. WE need to keep our thermostats in the house at uncomfortable levels to support that kind of egregious arrogance.

If you keep talking like that, you are going to sound dangerously like some of the people that founded this country.

We surely cannot have THAT.

6:14 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

And yes it is about me. The individualist that is so much like most of this country. The ones that make food appear in the supermarkets and t-shirts show up on the shelves of the local Target? People that work and raise the children. People that know what the economy IS because we participate in it?

AGAIN I challenge you to take a topic in the economy or in the government and actually argue what you believe. Take it up.

6:20 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

I bet you cannot

6:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

both Al and Tipper Gore work out of their home and she argued that "the bottom line is that every family has a different carbon footprint. And what Vice President Gore has asked is for families to calculate that footprint and take steps to reduce and offset it."

A carbon footprint is a calculation of the CO2 fossil fuel emissions each person is responsible for, either directly because of his or her transportation and energy consumption or indirectly because of the manufacture and eventual breakdown of products he or she uses.

The vice president has done that, Kreider argues, and the family tries to offset that carbon footprint by purchasing their power through the local Green Power Switch program — electricity generated through renewable resources such as solar, wind, and methane gas, which create less waste and pollution. "In addition, they are in the midst of installing solar panels on their home, which will enable them to use less power," Kreider added. "They also use compact fluorescent bulbs and other energy efficiency measures and then they purchase offsets for their carbon emissions to bring their carbon footprint down to zero."

7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we get very fatigued telling you over and over what we did not say

7:35 PM  
Blogger John said...


Right. "The People."

(i.e. The parents of The Children)

It's a damn collective.

8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why would we debate fools so impregnable to learning that they tell us they know more than 99.9% of the world's scientists?

like the man said...I've won many debates with intelligent people, but I've never won one with an idiot

8:08 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

There is no possible way that you can argue something as silly as "99.9%" of all scientists.

Was this not the same group that wants to discharge people that disagree because their fields do no coincide with a familiarity with atmospheric science?

When I made the same argument against people with backgrounds in biology and medicine, zoology and the like, it was readily admitted that most people that signed the Kyoto accords really didn't have a background in planetary climate change and, moreover, there ARE people in planetary science that do not agree. Quite a field of them actually.

And, if you are really tired of preaching to people that know better, the answer is simple.

GO AWAY, childrens, and let the adults speak. If not, be aware that there are people with functioning brains that do not drink your cooliad. To hell with what you think about it or not, since you cannot argue a single thing about any of it.

Oh, and by all means.
Please increase the Gore family's fortune by buying into their self-aggrandized populist movement.
Every dollar you pay them to plant a tree for your own carbon footprint guilt goes right into their own company. Welcome to the world of adults.

9:57 PM  
Blogger John said...

"Every dollar you pay them to plant a tree for your own carbon footprint guilt goes right into their own company. Welcome to the world of adults."

It's papal indulgence for the church.

7:36 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

"like the man said...I've won many debates with intelligent people, but I've never won one with an idiot."

John, quit arguing with idiots! James has already proven that you cannot debate with them.

7:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright, then...just 99.8....

1) the climate is undergoing a pronounced warming trend beyond the range of natural variability;
2) the major cause of most of the observed warming is rising levels of the greenhouse gas CO2;
3) the rise in CO2 is the result of burning fossil fuels;
4) if CO2 continues to rise over the next century, the warming will continue; and
5) a climate change of the projected magnitude over this time frame represents potential danger to human welfare and the environment.

These conclusions have been explicitly endorsed by:

Academia Brasiliera de Ciências (Bazil)
Royal Society of Canada
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Academié des Sciences (France)
Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (Germany)
Indian National Science Academy
Accademia dei Lincei (Italy)
Science Council of Japan
Russian Academy of Sciences
Royal Society (United Kingdom)
National Academy of Sciences (United States of America)
Australian Academy of Sciences
Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts
Caribbean Academy of Sciences
Indonesian Academy of Sciences
Royal Irish Academy
Academy of Sciences Malaysia
Academy Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

In addition to these national academies, the following institutions specializing in climate, atmosphere, ocean, and/or earth sciences have endorsed these conclusions:

NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
State of the Canadian Cryosphere (SOCC)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Royal Society of the United Kingdom (RS)
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
American Institute of Physics (AIP)
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
American Meteorological Society (AMS)
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS)

These organizations also agree with the consensus:

The Earth Institute at Columbia University
Northwestern University
University of Akureyri
University of Iceland
Iceland GeoSurvey
National Centre for Atmospheric Science UK
Climate Group
Climate Institute
Climate Trust
Wuppertal Institute for Climate Environment and Energy
Royal Meteorological Society
Community Research and Development Centre Nigeria
Geological Society of London
Geological Society of America
UK Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment
Pew Center on Global Climate Change
American Association for the Advancement of Science
National Research Council
Juelich Research Centre
US White House
US Council on Environmental Quality
US Office of Science Technology Policy
US National Climatic Data Center
US Department of Commerce
US National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
The National Academy of Engineering
The Institute of Medicine
UK Natural Environment Research Council
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Council on Environmental Quality
National Economic Council
Office of Management and Budget
The National Academy of Engineering
The Institute of Medicine
UK Natural Environment Research Council
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology
Engineers Australia
American Chemical Society
American Association of Blacks in Energy
World Petroleum Council
The Weather Channel
National Geographic

The following companiesagree with the consensus:

Air France
American Electric Power
Aristeia Capital
BP America Inc.
Calvert Group
Canadian Electricity Association
Caterpilliar Inc.
China Renewable
Covanta Holding Corporation
Deutsche Telekom
Doosan Babcock Energy Limited
Duke Energy
Electricity de France North America
Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand
Energettech Austraila Pty Ltd
Energy East Corporation
Energy Holding Romania
Energy Industry Association
ETG International
Exelon Corporation
F&C Asset Management
FPL Group
General Electric
German Electricity Association
Glitnir Bank
Global Energy Network Institute, Iberdrola
ING Group
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
Interface Inc.
International Gas Union
International Paper
International Power
Marsh & McLennan Companies
Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company
MissionPoint Capital Partners
Munich Re
National Grid
National Power Company of Iceland
NRG Energy
PG&E Corporation
PNM Resources
Reykjavik Energy
Rio Tinto Energy Services
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Societe Generale de Surveillance (SGS Group)
Stora Enso North America
Stratus Consulting
Sun Management Institute
Swiss Re
UCG Partnership
US Geothermal
Verde Venture Partners

In addition, the scientific consensus is also endorsed by the CEO's of the following companies:

A. O. Smith Corporation
Abbott Laboratories
Accenture Ltd.
ACE Limited
Aetna Inc.
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
AK Steel Corporation
Allstate Insurance Company
ALLTEL Corporation
Altec Industries, Inc.
American Electric Power Company, Inc.
American Express Company
American International Group, Inc.
Ameriprise Financial
AMR Corporation/American Airlines
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Apache Corporation
Applera Corporation
Arch Coal, Inc.
Archer Daniels Midland Company
ArvinMeritor, Inc.
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
Avery Dennison Corporation
Avis Budget Group, Inc.
Bechtel Group, Inc.
BNSF Railway
Boeing Company
Brink's Company
Carlson Companies, Inc.
Case New Holland Inc.
Ceridian Corporation
Chemtura Corporation
Chubb Corporation
CIGNA Corporation
Coca-Cola Company
Constellation Energy Group, Inc.
Convergys Corporation
Con-way Incorporated
Corning Incorporated
Crane Co.
CSX Corporation
Cummins Inc.
Deere & Company
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Delphi Corporation
Dow Chemical Company
Eastman Chemical Company
Eastman Kodak Company
Eaton Corporation
Eli Lilly and Company
EMC Corporation
Ernst & Young, L.L.P.
Fannie Mae
FedEx Corporation
Fluor Corporation
FMC Corporation
Freddie Mac
General Mills, Inc.
General Motors Corporation
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Goodrich Corporation
Harman International Industries, Inc.
Hartford Financial Services Group
Home Depot, Inc., The
Honeywell International, Inc.
HSBC - North America
Humana Inc.
IBM Corporation
Ingersoll-Rand Company
International Textile Group
ITT Corporation
Johnson Controls, Inc.
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Liberty Mutual Group
MasterCard Incorporated
McGraw-Hill Companies
McKesson Corporation
MeadWestvaco Corporation
Medco Health Solutions, Inc.
Merck & Co., Inc.
Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc.
MetLife, Inc.
Morgan Stanley
Motorola, Inc.
Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.
National Gypsum Company
Navistar International Corporation
New York Life Insurance Company
Norfolk Southern Corporation
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company
Nucor Corporation
NYSE Group, Inc.
Office Depot, Inc.
Owens Corning (Reorganized) Inc.
Pactiv Corporation
Peabody Energy Corporation
Pfizer Inc
PPG Industries, Inc.
Praxair, Inc.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Principal Financial Group
Procter & Gamble Company
Prudential Financial
Realogy Corporation
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Ryder System, Inc.
SAP America, Inc.
Sara Lee Corporation
SAS Institute Inc.
Schering-Plough Corporation
Schneider National, Inc.
ServiceMaster Company
Siemens Corporation
Southern Company
Springs Global US, Inc.
Sprint Nextel
St. Paul Travelers Companies, Inc.
State Farm Insurance Companies
Texas Instruments Incorporated
Textron Incorporated
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Tyco Electronics
Tyco International Ltd.
Union Pacific Corporation
Unisys Corporation
United Technologies Corporation
UnitedHealth Group Incorporated
USG Corporation
Verizon Communications
W.W. Grainger, Inc.
Western & Southern Financial Group
Weyerhaeuser Company
Whirlpool Corporation
Williams Companies, Inc.
Xerox Corporation
YRC Worldwide Inc

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya berry em in evvydents n thay still wont admit

even deny eeviolootion

maroons want to debate

debate what?

its ooooooooooooooooooooooover rover

10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush gets rock-bottom rating from Americans: survey
Published: Tuesday June 17, 2008

Less than one-quarter of Americans think President George W. Bush is doing a good job, giving him the worst marks of his two-term presidency, a poll showed Tuesday.

The poll also showed 80 percent think the United States is on the wrong track.

10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So perhaps Mr Bush's most significant legacy, as far as Britain is concerned, will be the destruction of the instinctive trust of America and its leaders that once prevailed here. It is no exaggeration to say that Mr Bush has done more damage to relations between our two nations than any president in living memory. This rupture is not an accident of circumstance; there are no impersonal forces of history to blame. This sorry state of affairs is the consequence of the actions of a single leader and his small coterie of advisers.

10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama today rejected drilling for more oil. "It's not a permanent solution".

The Left is still praying for the immaculate energy solution... thereby exacerbating the current energy problem.

"Coal is too polluty. Wind is too ugly. Solar is too costly. Nuclear's too long term. Hydro blocks the fishies... etc."

Meanwhile, Goldilocks is upstairs fast asleep and the bears are walking through the front door.

11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Coal is too polluty. Wind is too ugly. Solar is too costly. Nuclear's too long term. Hydro blocks the fishies... etc."

Yes, and the goddamned, stupid American public blames us for it.
The leftist/communist agitprop machine is oiled...oh, pardon me...immaculately lubricated and taking us apart at every turn. What happened to our voice?
Everyone has just tuned it out.

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:44 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

"The leftist/communist agitprop machine is oiled...oh, pardon me...immaculately lubricated and taking us apart at every turn. What happened to our voice?
Everyone has just tuned it out.

Bill Clinton stood just outside of Utah and declared a HUGE chunk of our state as a MONUMENT which effectively prohibited coal and oil exploration in that region. The land is rich in those resource. He did it WITHOUT OUR VOICE!!!! He didn't even have the nerve to set foot in our state while making this kingly pronouncement.

4:13 PM  
Blogger John said...

Kelly, he did all that because he coveted TR's legacy as the Conservation President for himself. He went about seizing/"protecting" lands for that purpose.

And he ended up contributing greatly to the energy problems.

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush's Homophobic Nominee for Surgeon General Won't Get Confirmed. Praise the Lord!

7:42 PM  
Blogger John said...

"US Department of Commerce...The National Academy of Engineering,
The Institute of Medicine...
National Economic Council, Office of Management and Budget, The National Academy of Engineering,
The Institute of Medicine...
American Chemical Society,
American Association of Blacks in Energy, World Petroleum Council...National Geographic,
Air France, American Electric Power...Bayer, BP America Inc.,
Canadian Electricity Association,
Chevron, Citigroup, Deutsche Telekom...F&C Asset Management...
General Electric, German Electricity Association, Glitnir Bank..."

What does this mean? None of these are peer-reviewed climatologists with PhDs, and, as insisted, if you're not one of those, then your position is not only disqualified, but worthy of ridicule.

Coleman the weatherman knows more about climatology than Bayer and Air France (for starters) does.

And what did the fool say about him?

"haha...a weatherman!! the lowest face on the weather totem...a simp who reads what the weather bureau puts out on tv...not even a real weather guy let alone a climate scientist."

What do you think he studied at the university, knucklehead? A simple degree in communications can't make you a weatherman.

Besides, this list of climate "experts" includes (along with aspirin manufacturers):

"Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology Engineers."

Right. Weathermen.

"The Weather Channel..."

More weathermen.

"Caterpilliar Inc."

lol Tractor manufacturers. I'm sure they have peer-reviewed, climatologists with PhDs on their board of directors.

"Coca Cola."



Acolyte. When Exxon-Mobil was skeptical and trotted out their own scientists, your church viciously attacked that very corporation, condemning their scientists as "shills for Exxon-Mobil."

Exxon-Mobil gets pressured and bullied, fires the scientists and flip-flops, and now their cooperative (i.e. submissive and obedient) position is rewarded by being hailed as credible and authoritative.

Meanwhile, this projecting buttboy delusively goes by the handle of "lemming killer" while posting...

...a list of lemmings.

And throughout, with all that as evidence, this plebe betrays a small, petty, political mind that is easily exposed as one that is decidedly not scientific, but demagogic.

8:24 PM  
Blogger John said...

Retch gloated:

"Less than one-quarter of Americans think President George W. Bush is doing a good job, giving him the worst marks of his two-term presidency, a poll showed Tuesday.

The poll also showed 80 percent think the United States is on the wrong track."

Might reflect their disappointment with the new Democratc congress, too, which gets polled lower than Bush, wretch.

8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lemmings and cherrypickers...those were IN ADDITION to the climate scientists, idiot.

Miss that?

No. Just a whore.

Exxon was bullied...hahahahaha...they're scientist/whores got so embarrassed at what they were doing that they could no longer deny it.

Corporations are included -- obviously -- because they take a lot of convincing and do a lot of research before they are willing to come aboard.


What a whored out, creep tool...

8:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congress ratings are low because Democrats have no use for their gutless party and want it to be MORE militant, not less, which is the opposite of what a dink like you wants to see.

Too complicated for you?

Add that to the fact that the whole country hates the GOPig/Perv side and you get these ratings.

Only because mindless tools like you piglets will follow your gauleiters anywhere, does the "administration" have ratings above single digits.

Don't burn your synapse out on this. Just stick your pinhead safely back up your fat, yellow, chickenhawk ass and pray to the skydaddy for deliverance from your disgusted betters.

9:00 PM  
Blogger John said...

And what a spiteful little boy. I expose him as a projecting fool for calling himself "lemming killer" and for once he comes out with the same handle three times in a row: "Lemming killer."

lol That was really bright, fathead. You just proved what I said true by your childish persistence in trying to prove otherwise.

10:28 PM  
Blogger John said...

"lemmings and cherrypickers...those were IN ADDITION to the climate scientists, idiot.

Miss that?"

Last time I checked, both peer-reviewed climatalogists with PhDs and "ADDITIONAL" support from scientists with a much better handle on climatology than a boardmember on Coca-Cola or Caterpillar, Inc. were outright disqualified and roundly rejected with the obligatory ridicule because they supposedly did not have enough expertise, were too corporate, and--most importantly-- disagreed with the "consensus"--which, it appears, includes boardmembers from Coka Cola and Caterpillar, Inc.

Miss that?

Of course you did. You have blinders on that first and foremost mask self-awareness.

Obviously, your sole qualifier for what makes one a credible authority is whether or not they're titheing members of The Church, that's all.

"Exxon was bullied...hahahahaha..."

Translation: Yup. They were bullied.

"...they're (sic) scientist/whores got so embarrassed at what they were doing that they could no longer deny it."

Now is that any way to talk about neophytes to The Church which you just honorably included on a roll-call of parishioners to give credence to your faith?

"Corporations are included -- obviously -- because they take a lot of convincing and do a lot of research before they are willing to come aboard.


Or resist doing so to begin with. Duh.

"What a whored out, creep tool..."

Leave Blossom out of this.

"Congress ratings are low because Democrats have no use for their gutless party and want it to be MORE militant, not less."

Speak for yourself and your small cabal of militant, far-left crypto-Marxists.

I ask you again: Why did both Obama and Clinton refuse to boast "I'm a bigger liberal than my opponent!" but instead tried to outconserve one another, while McCain had to explicitly reassure again and again that he was "conservative"?

Because loud & proud liberalism--like yours--is un-American and repulsive.

Like you.

"... which is the opposite of what a dink like you wants to see."

You're projecting, fool.

"Too complicated for you?"

Projection again, fool. Your mind cannot think outside the closed box you're trapped in and any attempt to get out is too complicated.

That's the diabolical genius of the villains who put you there. It's like Chinese handcuffs. Any attempt to pull away only causes constriction.

That's but one reason why you're always in such a foul mood and why you rant and rave and foam at the mouth.

They're cries for help, only you're in denial and programmed to bite any helping hand like the vicious animal that a lefty like you is (until you finally get power. Then you pretend you've always been a civilized conservative.)

"Add that to the fact that the whole country hates the GOPig/Perv side and you get these ratings."

The "whole" country? As in "everyone?"

Again, that's a typical rhetorical tactic used by the left meant to intimidate and marginalize the opposition by suggesting that they're antisocial oddballs.

Of course, the opposite is true.

"Only because mindless tools like you piglets will follow your gauleiters anywhere, does the 'administration' have ratings above single digits."

Again, the opposite is true. Bush's approvals are low in large part because conservatives are independent-minded and feel free to bail for whatever reason.

The Borg collective, however, is monolithic-minded, driven by ideology, and will never bail on their cult-leaders no matter how depraved or even treacherous they are if it would benefit the viscerally-hated opposition in any small measure.

You imps exemplify what "loyal to a fault" means.

"Don't burn your synapse out on this. Just stick your pinhead safely back up your fat, yellow, chickenhawk ass and pray to the skydaddy for deliverance from your disgusted betters."

Projection, worm. Your inferior character and mental faculties were made manifest long ago and disgust everyone else outside your coven. All you can do is rail and foam at the mouth because you're envious and need to "prove" something.

And you've succeeded.

Like I said, throughout all this, you proved a small, petty, political mind that is easily exposed as one that is decidedly not scientific, but demagogic, so I suggest that you keep your mouth shut because any cause you support is quickly made suspect and becomes discredited by your rabid blathering that's compelled by a fragile ego which spitefully seeks to destroy, rather than follow and emulate, its betters.

You're a villainous knave.

You take advantage of both my and Evan Sayet's hospitality and promotion of free speech and abuse the privilege like the ill-mannered fathead that you are.


9:14 AM  
Blogger John said...

I said dismissed.

9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somone posted this query on Evan Sayet's:

rwunder said...
When is Evan going to be released?

Anyone know?

7:46 PM

Good question. Same problem as before?

9:56 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

John, if you insist on their need to enforce it.

There is a difference between free speech and badgering. If they have something to promote they should bring that to the table to debate. As James has said, again and again, they have not.

Bullying is not free speech!

10:12 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

You can turn the radio off if you choose. If John wants to ignore you he simply has to delete you from his blog.

If he chooses to delete you because of your bullying he has that right.

10:48 AM  
Blogger John said...

Thank you for your permission, Kelly.

Come on. Do you really feel like you have to justify me?

I'm squashing him like a bug. He's a pest.

11:24 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

I was just pointing out that they are only here because you allow them to be here. They are guests.

Squash away!!

11:47 AM  
Blogger John said...

I don't even think this particular troll--fathead--is an American citizen. I think I'm picking up a Canadian dialect.

12:31 PM  
Blogger John said...

Are you Canadian, worm?

1:19 PM  
Blogger John said...

And why did he think I was deleting him again?

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha...I guess running and hiding is the chickenhawk version of "squashing him like a bug."

Seen any recruiters, lately, weenie? You and that super patriot Phonius, have got to be two of the yellowest dinks I've run across.

I see you've been spinning in the wrong direction til you've got your tiny brain all dizzy again?

The only thing that interests me in any of this is the motivation.
Why do a pack of foolish, parrot birdbrains feel the irresistible need to keep spouting utterly discreditied,inane drivel after everyone who counts is already convinced of the opposite, and when all it does is expose them to ridicule?

Why? The poor weaklings just cannot admit they've been wrong and cannot face harsh's why they babble compulsively about a big skydaddy who'll solve all their little, monkey problems.

The country is ready for a dose of reality for a change...and you little piggies are on your way back out the door.

Do you really think you're going to pick up some seats in congress this time?

Do ya?

Well, do ya, punk?

3:29 PM  
Blogger John said...

Why are you afraid to answer my question, fathead? Are you Canadian, or not?

3:40 PM  
Blogger John said...

Running and hiding, yellow dink? You're not even a United States citizen, are you?

Harper's election cause you to melt down, fathead?

Why do a pack of foolish, parrot birdbrains feel the irresistible need to keep importing and wall-papering commentary sections with leftist talking point propaganda after everyone who counts knows exactly what that is and all it does is expose you to ridicule?

You can't admit you're wrong and can't face reality?

Why do you babble compulsively about Barack Obama solving all your massive monkey problems?

Sorry. He's not psychiatrist. But he is a Christian.

What do you think of that, fathead?

Or do you think he's a phony, but don't hold deviousness against him because you yourself are a liar and deem it necessary to succeed?

6:11 PM  
Blogger John said...

Well, the truth of what you're all about sure ain't a recipe for success, that's for sure. You're a hateful lowlife. Your repugnant Daily Kos crowd is an embarrassment to the Democratic Party.

6:14 PM  
Blogger John said...

And you can't be American. You're completely clueless to the American psyche. Are you Canadian, or not?

7:03 PM  
Blogger John said...


8:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O a, rilly...duh, most dems and libs are's disappointing but there it is...the thing is they tend to resemble the real deal as opposed to filthy torture/mass murder loving swine like the right wing Xtians...been a strong movement away from religion thank GOD in recent about all those atheist books on the best seller list lately...are people finally growing up?

9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kos is heeeeeeuuuuge...


"The two-star general who led an Army investigation into the horrific detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib has accused the Bush administration of war crimes and is calling for accountability." 6/19

9:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Media Matters: Hume falsely claimed Obama's half brother told The Jerusalem Post that Obama had a "Muslim background" 6/20

9:23 PM  
Blogger John said...

I know who you are.

11:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't know who anyone is.
casse-toi, pauvre con!

4:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sexual Perversity is Pervasive in the GOP. A case in point: Glenn Murphy, former chairman of the Young Republican National Federation and past head of the GOP in Clark County, Indiana. He was just sentenced for performing fellatio on sleeping men, and he wasn't practicing sword swallowing.

5:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sexual Perversity is Pervasive in the GOP. Here is a case in point, Glenn Murphy, former chairman of the Young Republican National Federation and past head of the GOP in Clark County, Indiana. He was just sentenced for performing fellatio on sleeping men, and he wasn't practicing sword swallowing.

9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flat Earth Lunatics:

Report: Science teacher mixed religion, class
Mount Vernon school board to meet

Investigators found that Mount Vernon teacher John Freshwater did burn crosses on some students' arms with an electrostatic device.

A Mount Vernon teacher undermined science instruction in the public school district by discrediting evolution in his classroom and focusing on creationism and intelligent design, a probe has found.

Eighth-graders who were taught by John Freshwater frequently had to be re-taught in high school what they were supposed to have learned in Freshwater’s class, according to outside investigators hired by the district.

For 11 years, other teachers in the school district and people in the community complained about Freshwater preaching his Christian beliefs in class and slamming scientific theories, a school administrator told investigators.

“There is a significant amount of evidence that Mr. Freshwater’s teachings regarding subjects related to evolution were not consistent with the curriculum of the Mount Vernon City Schools and state standards,” the consultants reported.

Freshwater had been told to stop teaching intelligent design and creationism, but he continued, the report found.

HR on Call Inc., the consultants who investigated allegations against Freshwater, released their findings today. Mount Vernon school board members will meet today to discuss the report and decide what, if any, action they will take.

The report confirms that Freshwater burned crosses onto students’ arms, using an electrostatic device, in December. Freshwater told investigators the marks were Xs, not crosses. But all of the students interviewed in the investigation reported being branded with crosses. The investigation report includes a photo of one student’s arm with a long vertical line and a short horizontal line running through it.

The family of one student who was burned filed a federal lawsuit last week against Freshwater and the district, saying the student’s civil rights were violated.

Today, the family’s attorney, Jessica Philemond, said it was unfortunate that the school district didn’t do anything sooner to stop Freshwater.

“These concerns had been going on for at least 11 years and the school had not done anything,” she said.

A teacher who worked in Freshwater’s classroom last year also reported to investigators that Freshwater told his class that homosexuality is a sin.

Neither Freshwater nor his attorney, Roger Weaver, could be reached for comment last night. Freshwater’s friend, Dave Daubenmire, defended him.

“With the exception of the cross-burning episode … I believe John Freshwater is teaching the values of the parents in the Mount Vernon school district,’’ he said.

Daubenmire is a former London High School football coach whose district was sued in 1999 by the American Civil Liberties Union because he led his players in prayer at games, practices and meetings.

“Do you think there are other teachers in the public classroom that are trying to drive their opinions in the classroom?’’ Daubenmire asked. “I don’t care who you are. You cannot separate your value system from your teaching.’’

The debate about Freshwater’s actions became public in April after he refused to remove a Bible from his desk, as the district had ordered.

The report says he was insubordinate for failing to remove the Bible and other religious materials from his classroom but also found other issues about his teaching and behavior.

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And he's not the only YOUNG REPUBLICAN perv!!

Next, we move to Michigan, where Michael Flory, "The former head of the Michigan Federation of Young Republicans admitted today that he sexually abused a colleague during a national convention here last summer. Flory, a 32-year-old attorney from Jackson, Mich., pleaded guilty to sexual battery on the day he was to stand trial for rape." Ah, those randy young Republicans!

To fill out our GOP trio, we go to the Hoosier state of Indiana and meet up with Glenn Murphy Jr., "the chairman of the Clark County Republican Party -- who last month was elected president of the Young Republican National Federation."

Uh, make that the former president of the Young Republican National Federation. You see, Murphy ran into a legal problem and had to abruptly resign the position.

"The Clark County Sheriff's Department on Friday began investigating Murphy for alleged criminal deviate conduct -- potentially a class B felony -- after speaking with a 22-year-old man who claimed that on July 31, Murphy performed an unwanted sex act on him while the man slept in a relative's Jeffersonville home."

Oh, dear me. But there's more: "In 1998, a 21-year-old male filed a similar report with Clarksville police claiming Murphy attempted to perform a sex act on him while he was sleeping. Charges were never filed in that case."

So the next time a Republican leader comes to your town, lock up the men, women, children -- and we suggest your pets, too.

Until next week, remember our motto: So many Republican hypocrites, so little time.

Catch up with you soon.

9:57 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

And then they complain that their voice is not being heard...

If they leave Evolution out of the schools we will leave creationism and intelligent design out of the classroom.

As it is OUR voice is censored.

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they leave Evolution out of the schools we will leave creationism and intelligent design out of the classroom.

As it is OUR voice is censored.

Evolution is a science. creationism is non-science. Pauvre petite, vous n'avez pas du chance vraiment.

11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'll leave them out anyway. Every moron with a crackpot religious belief is NOT allowed to expound that belief in schools.

And this monkey is just one reason why.

11:15 AM  
Blogger John said...

Can you tell me why I was scratched, disemvoweled, and banned from The Liberal Avenger, Sirk?

12:36 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

"Evolution is a science. creationism is non-science. Pauvre petite, vous n'avez pas du chance vraiment."

Evolution is not science. It is a mere theory. Can you prove that Man came from Apes? If you can, please provide that proof.

1:42 PM  
Blogger John said...

Not now, Kelly.

Can you tell me why I was scratched, disemvoweled, and banned from The Liberal Avenger, Sirk?

2:06 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

John, what do you mean by "not now"?

"common ancester"...even so, it is a theory.

3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. A scientific theory is not the opposite of a fact. A scientific theory is supportable by empirical observation. Gravity is a theory. Relativity is a theory. No one has seen a quark, but empirical evidence shows their existence. Some scientific explanations, such as evolution, are so well established that no new evidence is likely to change them. That is when the explanation becomes accepted scientific theory.

3:43 PM  
Blogger John said...

I mean let him answer the question, Kelly.

Can you tell me why I was scratched, disemvoweled, and banned from The Liberal Avenger, Sirk?

3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you tell me why I was scratched, disemvoweled, and banned from The Liberal Avenger, Sirk?

For name calling, you glue sniffing, little know that.

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. A scientific theory is not the opposite of a fact. A scientific theory is supportable by empirical observation. Gravity is a theory. Relativity is a theory. No one has seen a quark, but empirical evidence shows their existence. Some scientific explanations, such as evolution, are so well established that no new evidence is likely to change them. That is when the explanation becomes accepted scientific theory.

That was far to arry o dite for them bunnies, left them stunned and dismayed.

8:30 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

There ain't anybody around here by that name.

8:56 PM  
Blogger John said...

Kelly, stay out of this. I got him.

Sick, you recently once sneered that you were "making us eat our own words" or somesuch.

Open wide. You're going down, asshole. By your own words.

10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barack’s Bounce
The latest NEWSWEEK Poll shows the Democrat with a 15-point lead over McCain.

55% of voters consider themeselves Democrats...a measly 36% consider themselves GOPiggies!!

Yeah, git out the way, Kel...I got cockroach stomping on my mind.

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kelly, let's you and I chat. This is one rude dickhead and don know how to treat lady.

Say, how long you been married?

Tired of the same old boring Mormon?

I travel a lot.

Might be coming that way soon.

Maybe we could skinny dip in that bit, salty swamp you got down there.

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where's phoniass? My foot needs target practice.

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kelly, baby...this is no country for young wimmin

soon the streets will be owned by steely eyed men

the slap of hard hands on leather

lead in the air

shit on the street

oh dats john

alright now theres time for you and me

dont let no man git in r way

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you seen imitation of life?

i consider it my finest work

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lou Dobbs: Bush Should Be Impeached for Salmonella Outbreak
CNN host says leadership in 'sorry condition' and inability to 'protect the American consumer' is 'sufficient reason to impeach a president.'

By Jeff Poor
Business & Media Institute
6/20/2008 12:47:50 PM

CNN’s Lou Dobbs has been on a tear about the recent tainted-tomato salmonella outbreak, but this time he’s taken it a step further and is calling for the ultimate political punishment.

The “Lou Dobbs Tonight” host placed the blame for the recent salmonella outbreak squarely on President George W. Bush, calling for his impeachment on the June 19 broadcast. Contaminated tomatoes from an unknown source or sources have sickened 383 people since April, according to the Associated Press.

“You know, I have heard a lot of reasons over the years as to why George W. Bush should be impeached,” Dobbs said. “For them to leave the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in this state, its leadership in this sorry condition and to have no capacity apparently or will to protect the American consumer – that is alone to me sufficient reason to impeach a president who has made this agency possible and has ripped its guts out in its ability to protect the American consumer.”

“It’s insane what’s going on here,” said a visibly angry Dobbs. “Is there any sense of embarrassment on the part of the leadership of that agency?”

On June 18, Dobbs called the FDA “excessively intellectually challenged.” The night before he called the FDA “moronic.”

“The FDA, led by complete moronic, unengaged incompetents,” Dobbs said on his June 17 broadcast. “The idea that they would sit there and say that they’re not going to reveal where a cluster of this outbreak occurred, this is arrogant beyond belief. Who in the world do these idiots think they are? Who do they think they’re working for?”

He also implicated Bush in that tirade: “As for this administration, were a responsible president at the helm of this country, I would wonder why he is not taking action, but then again, this is of course his FDA and his legacy.”

10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lou Dobbs: Bush Should Be Impeached for Salmonella Outbreak
CNN host says leadership in 'sorry condition' and inability to 'protect the American consumer' is 'sufficient reason to impeach a president.'

By Jeff Poor
Business & Media Institute
6/20/2008 12:47:50 PM

CNN’s Lou Dobbs has been on a tear about the recent tainted-tomato salmonella outbreak, but this time he’s taken it a step further and is calling for the ultimate political punishment.

The “Lou Dobbs Tonight” host placed the blame for the recent salmonella outbreak squarely on President George W. Bush, calling for his impeachment on the June 19 broadcast. Contaminated tomatoes from an unknown source or sources have sickened 383 people since April, according to the Associated Press.

“You know, I have heard a lot of reasons over the years as to why George W. Bush should be impeached,” Dobbs said. “For them to leave the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in this state, its leadership in this sorry condition and to have no capacity apparently or will to protect the American consumer – that is alone to me sufficient reason to impeach a president who has made this agency possible and has ripped its guts out in its ability to protect the American consumer.”

“It’s insane what’s going on here,” said a visibly angry Dobbs. “Is there any sense of embarrassment on the part of the leadership of that agency?”

On June 18, Dobbs called the FDA “excessively intellectually challenged.” The night before he called the FDA “moronic.”

“The FDA, led by complete moronic, unengaged incompetents,” Dobbs said on his June 17 broadcast. “The idea that they would sit there and say that they’re not going to reveal where a cluster of this outbreak occurred, this is arrogant beyond belief. Who in the world do these idiots think they are? Who do they think they’re working for?”

He also implicated Bush in that tirade: “As for this administration, were a responsible president at the helm of this country, I would wonder why he is not taking action, but then again, this is of course his FDA and his legacy.”

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lou Dobbs? Who the 'f is that? Some jerk looking to up his Nielson share.

btw - Stutter much? Try slowing down. There's spittle and spew everywhere!

11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and little in the way of coherent thought!

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John said...
This is why I wanted you to stay out of this, Kelly. I'll take care of him. This guy's an abomination, and I'm the Hulk. His ass is grass.

Ha. John thinks he's Wyatt Earp in Tombstone. Even if he were in Tombstone, he'd be Billy Claiborne, not Earp or Holliday

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was Liz's brother doing in Tombstone?

If suze were an hysterical figure from the past, she'da been a saloon skank like Big Liz. You bes' watchyerself, john. :)


1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you know, fatty?

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay out of it Kelly.

Not now Kelly.

Please Kelly, stay out of the way.

This is why I wanted you to stay out of this, Kelly. I'll take care of him. This guy's an abomination, and I'm the Hulk. His ass is grass.

haha his tiny synapse cannot post if someone else is posting

good at the threats though

then the pussy disappears


9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stay out of it betty

stay out of it alice dickable

stay out of it dobbs

this guy is mine

yall are confoosink me

9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There’s an old saying in Usenet, those who feed the trolls must take them home....

9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is my opinion of your trolls...yeller as they come

8:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yall are confoosink me

Please, you're being far too modest.

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Late Loan Payments Hurt Smaller Lenders That Dodged Subprime Mess

By David Cho
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Increasing struggles by consumers and businesses to make payments on a variety of loans, not just mortgages, are setting off a new wave of trouble in the financial sector that is battering even institutions that had steered clear of the subprime-home-loan debacle.

Late payments on home-equity loans are at a record high, according to fresh data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. The delinquency rates on loans for cars, small businesses and construction are spiking to levels not seen in a decade or more.

Unlike last year, when soaring mortgage defaults sparked a crisis of confidence in the financial system, the root of these problems is the downturn in the broader economy. Simply put, consumers and businesses are strapped for cash with job losses growing and retail sales falling, economists said.

"We are not finished with the mortgage problem, but you are starting to see increased delinquencies in other forms of consumer debt," said Paul Kasriel, an economist at Northern Trust Securities. "We are in the eye of the hurricane. We had the first wave of the credit crisis, and it was quite damaging. But there's another wave coming, and it's likely to be as destructive."

9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCain's Power Outage
Viveca Novak and Justin Bank, of Newsweek:

"John McCain has spent the week focusing on energy policy, making some surprising, and inaccurate, statements. Among them: He said that ending a moratorium on offshore oil drilling 'would be very helpful in the short term in resolving our energy crisis.' But according to a government report, offshore oil wouldn't have much of an impact on supply or prices until 2030!!"

Can you believe this senile moron doesn't know that??!!

Like most of the wingo buffoons don't know there are thousands of CAPPED oil wells in the US because it's "like money in the bank...just going up and up all the time," as one oil executive put it.

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another Leftist Witch Hunt...

Branding Crosses on the Arms of Students. No Doubt Antonin Scalia Would Approve. "The school board of a small central Ohio community voted unanimously Friday to fire a teacher accused of preaching his Christian beliefs despite staff complaints and using a device to burn the image of a cross on students' arms."

10:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"McCain is so different from Bush. The only issues they agree on are education, immigration,
Iraq, abortion, Supreme Court judges, Social Security, tax breaks for the wealthy, wire-tapping,
trade, health care, the Middle East, same-sex marriage and Medicare."
-- Colbert, on McCain running away from Mein Fuhrer,

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Haynes, Feith, Yoo, Bybee, Gonzales and--at the apex--Addington, should never
travel outside the U.S., except perhaps to Saudi Arabia and Israel. They broke the law;
they violated their professional ethical code. In the future, some government may build
the case necessary to prosecute them in a foreign court, or in an international court.'
Augusto Pinochet made a trip to London, and his life was never the same afterwards."
-- --Lawrence B. Wilkerson, Colin Powell's Chief of Staff, Link

10:25 PM  
Blogger John said...

"Increasing struggles by consumers and businesses to make payments on a variety of loans, not just mortgages, are setting off a new wave of trouble in the financial sector that is battering even institutions that had steered clear of the subprime-home-loan debacle."

Except, of course, Democrats like Barack Obama and other high ranking D's who got sweetheart deals.

Kinda like Democratic patriarch Joe Kennedy Sr. making a fortune in the stock market just before the Great Depression.

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John - do you really think Obama got a deal on his mortgage?

I will tell you - most successful people his age got similar deals.

In fact, if he got the normal rate, it would have been very odd - considering his huge jump in income.


Joe Kennedy - Not that I care, but Kennedy made his money in film before the market crashed - He made a lot of money on the collapse of certain stocks - RKO and others. But that was short selling.

Btw - Kennedy was not the leftist you imagine - He was a right wing Democrat - so keep that in mind. OK champ?

10:35 PM  
Blogger John said...

I know Kennedy was right-wing. But I appreciate your input.

12:26 AM  

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