
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door." The Statue of Liberty (P.S. Please be so kind as to enter through the proper channels and in an orderly fashion)

Location: Arlington, Virginia, United States

Friday, June 13, 2008

Winning Strategy For Democrats: Register FOUR MILLION FELONS

Above: A "Disenfranchized" Democrat


January 08, 2004

The Felon Franchise
A partisan prison strategy.

By Peter Kirsanow

Wesley Clark recently told a black audience in Birmingham, Alabama that states should restore the right to vote to felons who've completed their sentences. Clark's not alone. Several Democratic presidential candidates, including frontrunner Howard Dean, also support felon voting.

A cynic may be forgiven for suspecting that the motivation behind such support has as much to do with political expediency as principle...While it's unlikely that the election will be as close as that of 2000, minor shifts in demographics and voting patterns could have a dramatic, if not decisive, effect. This is particularly true in the case of felon voting, a cause championed by a growing number of politicians and interest groups.

The estimates of the number of people who have either temporarily or permanently lost the right to vote due to felony convictions vary, but most agree that the figure hovers around four million. Forty-eight states currently have some form of restriction on the right of felons to vote. The exceptions are Maine and Vermont, which even permit inmates to vote. Thirty-three states disenfranchise felons who are on parole. Eight states deny felons the right to vote for life.


Blogger John said...





7:53 PM  
Blogger John said...


8:03 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

Well, John, we now have a rogue Supreme court that has decided to once again forget its role as arbiters of the Constitution and instead try its hand at being the legislature again. From my point of view, the needs of the dems to have foreign peoples and convicted felons to have the right to vote simply pales in comparison for their need now to give POW's that this country captures on the battlefield the same rights that I and every citizen has in a citizen's court of law.

We are now moving from the principle of being a Republic under the rule of law to being subject to the rule of 8 people. This is not new.

The Dred Scott case was another place where the SCOTUS clearly overstepped, and there are more cases of this. Similarly, the majority in Congress are gouing to enjoy this ruling for a short while, until the full ramifications of that ruling set in. I suspect that after that, there may be a little visitation later on this ruling.

8:26 PM  
Blogger John said...

That's why you should vote for McCain. He's a big Roberts and Alito fan, and 2-3 seats are opening in the next four years.

8:43 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

Something else, my good amigo.

You had a point previously when you commented that there may be good reason to ignore some of these pests that have infected your blog of late.

Mostly what they can do is this: call names, spread rumors as real information, and totally avoid real challenges to what they believe and why.

You know why they show up, yes?

If you put three of them in the same room you would have at least 7 political theories running around. They are inconsistent in their beliefs because they scarcely know what to believe, but as long as it goes along with the lefty media they are just fine with that. They have sources that will give them long lists to post and popular talking points, and for them that is just the shit.

The reason I do not pay attention to them anymore is that they have failed to talk about what they actually believe. I give you this though, they are sure making your site look good with the number of hits and responses. You do deserve that. But what you will never do with these mental filet mingons is to actually make them think. Yours is the noble task, but, I fear fruitless. They imagine themselves to be part of some huge movement and that is what feeds their feeble intellects. While their movement is much akin to the bowel movements that I have after a large helping of bar-b-que, you are not going to talk them out of it. Much like those movements, theirs smells to high heaven as well. The difference is that I can adjust my eating habits, while their movement is based on immaturity and blindness.


But I predict you are going to get some DNC cut-n-paster mouthpiece response again...or...if we are really will get the Moon-Pie Poet again. What a genius.....

8:50 PM  
Blogger John said...

There's like one or two of them. The main big mouth goes by a slew of aliases to make him look like he has a gang backing him.
He's probably in his early twenties, maybe even a late teen.

He's weak and insecure and brings in articles written by others to do his talking for him, thinking it gives his argument gravitas.

Unfortunately, he falls headlong into the logical fallacy of appealing to authorities who are unauthorized.

They're actually the political drugs he got hooked on and he tries to hook others by shoving them in their faces.

I know the type well. He uses drugs to get his women and then degrades them sexually without them even realizing it until it's too late.

He tries that same aggressive, dominating, and ridiculing approach here, thinking we're the little liberal brainless bimbos he uses to make himself feel like a man.

Liberal men are characteristically bullies and misogynists, or, in a word, as quite evident here, assholes. That's why their women show symptoms of battered wife syndrome, end up divorcing them (if not killing them), and turn into radical feminists or lesbians.

9:14 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

You are jumping to conclusions.

You say he gets women.

I very seriously doubt that, unless they are the one sitting on his desk. She has a square head, you know.

But really, that might be unfair.

He may have had a date once or twice.

But I do certainly agree that the "huge following" is him and himself alone with maybe one or two adherents to the faith.

The reason I think so is that if you look at most of the entries, they have the same grammatical errors and frequently have the same phrases repeated in one fashion or another. If he is in his late teens, though, you have to admit he is pretty bright.

I think he is a a few years older than that, and he has a distaste for authority, and that gives him license (of course, also the anonymity) to pretend that he has any balls. The fact that NONE of "them" would actually debate tells me one thing very quickly, and that is that he really does not know what he believes. He is just some loser and thinks that if he gets in between people like you and I where we talk about things in adult tones, he has some kind of satisfaction being the "loudmouth."

9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just checked in momentarily to see if the post ass kicking reassurance circle jerk had gotten started yet... desperate, shrill and silly than ever.

No wonder...all he's got is this silly phelon thang...

with the majorities we've got, that will pass all over...then the tide will be huge...all dem crooks telling you what to do...

Oh, you've got crooks telling you what to do now...ok, so no change there.

You're right about one thing though...duh like it's a big secret...there are only a couple of us now. The rest have moved on to better newbies, we've been reliogated to this shithole for a sort of initiation rite...practice against ultra maroons til we've earned our merit badges...I get very high grades against admittedly very poor competition.

Oh, we really don't debate flat earthers and other naifs...because we're like rilly frightened.

9:39 PM  
Blogger John said...

I'm assuming lanabanana and/or blossom are his real girlfriends, and now he's obsessed with being in a pissing contest with me because I roughed him up in front of her (he's trying to "prove" himself).

I don't know where you get "bright." He's not even clever.

He's bereft of self-awareness and doesn't realize how transparent he is.

His fragile intellect has been taken over by ego defense mechanisms which cause him to project and blurt things out offensively without even realizing that not only has he been on the defensive for a while now, and cornered, but he had his arms and legs lopped off long ago.

He's just a talking, boasting, insulting, and heckling spouting gibberish.

His future is clear: He's going to get the crap beat out of him by some conservative someday, and/or Water-hosed, billy-clubbed, and tasered by riot police at some leftist rally.

He's a big-mouthed punk.

9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...dem crooks telling you...

hahahahahhaa gittit dem crooks


9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His future is clear: He's going to get the crap beat out of him by some conservative someday, and/or Water-hosed, billy-clubbed, and tasered by riot police at some leftist rally


this guy is hurtin

9:43 PM  
Blogger John said...

...Actually, gender identification is tricky. It might be a liberal female.

9:44 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

Oh, we just HAVE to have people telling us what to think.

Wowsers....crooks none-the-less.

Never mind independent thought I guess, because obviously idiot-box here does not know what that is or what it means. So much faith in its own factiod producer that the rest of humanity just CANNOT be different from that model.

You are right, John, it might be a female

9:52 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

But, honestly, it makes little difference,

9:55 PM  
Blogger John said...

"The reason I think so is that if you look at most of the entries, they have the same grammatical errors and frequently have the same phrases repeated in one fashion or another."

Noted. But again, that's tricky, too, because they do all use the same buzzwords and "hahahahas" and methods of arguing (or the avoidance of doing just that).

They're part of a hive and drink from the same well of Kool Aid.

9:59 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

A sheer model of language and certitude:

"hahahahahhaa gittit dem crooks


What a model. Such argumentation. Such brilliance. Shakespeare would be humbled.

9:59 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

"and that gives him license (of course, also the anonymity) to pretend that he has any balls. "

I couldnt have said it better.

10:02 PM  
Blogger John said...

They don't realize that their minds have been enslaved and that the enslavers are known and their methods of enslavement diagrammed, but there's a glimmer of the divine left within them which cries out for freedom and that's why their drawn to conservative blogs, like moths to a flame.

10:06 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

Now, it did SAY that it was looking for a merit badge.

Felicht, we should give it one.

I hereby officially give IT the "Ignoramius Merit Badge" for the deeds of doing essentially nothing but moving IT's fingers up and down on a keyboard.

10:08 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

Be proud, Ignoramius, for being recognized by people that are greater than your own peer.

Not that that takes a whole lot, really, but I thought it may make you feel better.

10:12 PM  
Blogger John said...

"You're right about one thing though...duh like it's a big secret...there are only a couple of us now. The rest have moved on to better blogs..."

Translation: "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

10:13 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

Hey John.

I LIKED my merit badge designation. Didn't you think it was appropriate?

10:16 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

By the way

"as newbies, we've been reliogated to this shithole for a sort of initiation rite..."


What the hell verb in English is that?

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCain has many good qualities - But he has a blinkered view on this topic. He thinks Habeus Corpus is something that Americans get as some sort of gift that foreigners don't get.

Would Tony Blair, if he got in trouble, be entitled to full rights now that he is out of office and doing work here in the US?

My guess is that he would be - So this denial of foreigners of basic rights (many completely innocent people sold by county hunters) seems selective and arbitary.

McCain shows his provincial attitude (which contrasts with his actual worldliness) and ignorance of economics when he talks about "foreign oil."

Doesn't he know oil is a global commodity? My guess is that he does - He does know that the oil in your gas could come from just about anywhere, but that he is trying to tap into some know-nothing vibe in the gop that is reluctant to want to conserve energy unless it is dressed up in BS macho rhetoric.

10:27 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

Well, the real difference would be is if Tony Blair was caught fighting the US military on the field or was caught conspiring against the US. There would be even another consideration legally. Sionce Tony is a citizen of another country, he would not, in fact, have all of the rights that a US citizen would have. For example, in the case of Blair, if he were caught committing a crime in this country, he would have a legitimate government embassy that would be his spokesperson. We have seen that in many cases between the US and Mexico, for example.

10:33 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

McCain, though, expresses a real ignorance of the economy when he wants to ask if there are "speculators" in the oil commodities.

Of course there are, and there are in all commodities, and they have been there forever. He betrays a serious lack of economics 101

10:36 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

As far as oil goes specifically, there is a difference between domestic and foreign sources of oil.

McCain errs when he talks about the "windfall profits" that oil companies make. They do not make windfall profits. The definition of windfall profits are profits that anyone makes without having made any investment or efforts for said profits. When the local town raises your property taxes in spite of the fact that the property there is not actually worth what their estimation is, THAT is a windfall. The taxes that the feds take out of every dollar of gas is a windfall.

The profits that oil companies take (with about 46% of THOSE dollars taken for federal taxes) are based on the supply and the demand. That is NOT a windfall, because the oil companies HAVE invested in the drilling, transportation, refining and delivery of a finished product.

10:47 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

Foreign oil are those resources that we import from lands that are not in the US, and we do a considerable amount of that.

10:48 PM  
Blogger Phelonius said...

G'night John.

I will be back later at some point.

10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hideous Kinkies
A peek into the sex lives of moralistic right-wing blowhards, part 934: Horsley gets horsey, Hager is horrible!

Perhaps it was the slick way that Fox News stalwart Bill O'Reilly escaped his sex-capade embarrassment (loofahs, falafels... let' s not relive it here) untarnished that has produced a veritable -- should we say ejaculation? No we should not -- explosion of distressing information about the sexual predelictions of some of the right wing's biggest dicks.

A report last week on the blog News Hounds led us to a May 6 exchange between anti-abortion activist Neal Horsley and Alan Colmes on Colmes' FOX News radio show. In the interview, Horsley, a vocally religious proponent of posting names of abortion doctors on the Web so that anti-abortion extremists will know how to find them, admitted to having engaged in bestiality.

"You had sex with animals?" Colmes asked, with regard to reports of Horsley's past experience with bestiality and homosexuality. "Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule."

When Colmes suggested that maybe that's not the case for everyone who grows up on a farm in Georgia, Horsley shot back, "It has historically been the case. You people are so far removed from reality ... welcome to domestic life on the farm ... You experiment with anything that moves when you are growing up sexually. You're naoveIf it's warm and it's damp and it vibrates you might in fact have sex with it." (And if it has ovaries, a vagina, and it has the ability to lactate, you might in fact make it your mission to take away its control of its own body!)

It is not without irony, folks, that the man's name is Horsley.

Since listeners obviously just can't get enough of this stuff, Horsley returned to Colmes' radio show on Thursday, May 12 and allowed the host to press him on whether or not he'd also engaged in homosexual acts as a horny young buck. "Certainly," responded Horsley. "If we had a warm watermelon out in the field, I might give it a name."

Of course, watermelons and mules have no need for safe, legal and accessible reproductive rights.

In its reports on the Horsley confessions, News Hound also noted a conversation in March between Colmes and Randall Terry, the anti-abortion activist who worked on behalf of the Schindler family to keep the late Terry Schiavo alive. (Apparently, Colmes has become a kind of health-teacher/confessor for the junior high-school boys who make up the multi-tentacled life crusaders.) In Terry's interview with Colmes about the Schiavo case and his past statements about his beliefs that abortion doctors should be executed, Terry bizarrely changed the subject and asked Colmes, "Are you drinking Red Bull ... Youre like on drugs  Are you snorting coke? I think that it's time that you and I just admit to the whole world that's listening that we used to be homosexual lovers " It seemed to be a joke , but an odd one coming from a loudly anti-gay Christian.

As if you haven't yet had your fill of the secret lives of the religious right, there is this week's report in The Nation exposing accusations against Dr. W. David Hager, the Christian anti-abortion activist ob-gyn that George Bush appointed to the FDA's Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health Drugs in 2002. Hager has made it his mission to prevent emergency contraception from being sold over the counter (and has so far been successful) and has also campaigned to halt distribution of RU-486. He is the author of books like "As Jesus Cared for Women," and is a member of Focus on the Family's Physician Resource Council, and of the Christian Medical and Dental Society. The Nation quotes a passage from "As Jesus Cared for Women," in which Hager writes, "Even though I was trained as a medical specialist, it wasn't until I began to see how Jesus treated women that I understood how I, as a doctor, should treat them."

Actually, according to his ex-wife Linda Davis (formerly Linda Carruth Hager), he treated women in a most un-Jesus-like manner -- by sodomizing them against their will. Davis claims he anally raped her from 1995 to the time of their divorce -- after 32 years of marriage -- in 2002. "I probably wouldn't have objected so much, or felt it was so abusive if he had just wanted normal [vaginal] sex all the time," David told the Nation. "But it was the painful, invasive, totally nonconsensual nature of the [anal] sex that was so horrible."

Davis also told the Nation that Hager had extramarital affairs, pressured her to let him videotape them having sex, and paid her to perform sexual acts she hated, like oral sex and sodomy. When she developed narcolepsy, she said, he began sodomizing her against her will while she slept. "Since [the sodomy] was painful and threatening, I woke up. Sometimes I acquiesced once he had started, just to make it go faster, and sometimes I tried to push him off ... I would [confront] David later, and he would say, 'You asked me to do that,' and I would say, 'No, I never asked for it.'"

In the wake of the Nation exposé, Hager has announced that he will not be seeking another term on the FDA's advisory board when his term ends June 30. Perhaps now he'll have time to visit Alan Colmes and really open up about his personal life.

Hey, wouldn't it be funny if they threw an election and one party won because of its firm commitment to moral values, a faith-based worldview and a stand against such repugnant deviancy as gay marriage? And wouldn't it be even more hysterical if some of that party's loudest advocates of moral values had in fact been boinking mules and watermelons, and treating their wives like prostitutes?

7:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean I have to give back the codpiece, Unca Dick?

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki suggested that US forces might be asked to leave if the two countries cannot agree on the new status of forces agreement, McClatchy reported Friday.

Maliki, seen above, made the comment after pressure from Shiite lawmakers who feel that Iraq’s sovereignty is threatened by US forces and after talks over the status of forces agreement “reached an impasse,” according to McClatchy.

“Iraq has another option that it may use,” Maliki said during a visit to Amman, Jordan. “The Iraqi government, if it wants, has the right to demand that the U.N. terminate the presence of international forces on Iraqi sovereign soil.”

7:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the tune of row your boat...

Buy, buy, buy your votes
middleclass taxcut
Sophistries, sophistries, sophistries
Obama's just a butt.

9:25 AM  
Blogger John said...

RE Horsely:

That was a hit piece from the vile, far-left website Daily Kos.

From Wiki:

"Horsley was born in Bremen, Georgia. On May 5, 2005, Horsley was a guest on The Alan Colmes Show, a FOX News radio program. During that interview, and after repeated questions about his personal sinfulness, Mr. Horsley stated that when he was eleven years old he had engaged in bestiality with a mule on the farm he grew up on in Georgia.

'I was a fool,' Horsley told Colmes, crediting Jesus with forgiving and cleansing him of his 'sin.'

After serving in the Air Force in the mid-1960s, Horsley traveled to San Francisco, California, where he claims to have become an anti-war advocate and hippie. Horsley did time in jail on charges of drug possession, and it was there in 1974 that he converted to Christianity.

After graduating from Westminster Theological Seminary in 1985, Horsley relocated to the Philadelphia area, but returned to Georgia in 1993, settling in the Atlanta suburb of Carrollton, where he lives today."

This slime--the troll--is for forgiving all sorts of felons (so they can vote for Democrats), but tries to assassinate this man's character and destroy his credibilty because (1) he's a hated Christian and (2) because of a confessed youthful indiscretion (however depraved), which was part & parcel of his devolving gravitation towards and eventual immersement in the hippie subculture in San Francisco.

That he confessed such embarrassingly damaging information about his liberal youth is not only courageous, and not only testament to the fearless integrity of his conservative character, but gives him credence and authority on sexual depravity--not to mention on the saving Grace of Christianity-- not a practising hypocrite, though that's precisely how it's packaged.

It's just a hit piece, and look who's doing the hitting: A vile leftist who demands that the government "Stay out of people's bedrooms," that "People should not be judged on their sexual behavior/orientation," and that sex--in it's myriad forms and deviancies--is "just sex," anyway.

So who's being the hypocrite?

This fool is, and doesn't even realize it bacause his parents and schools failed to instill good conscience and reasoning.

If that's Karl (a.k.a. frankie), that sleaze boasted of having sex with other women in front of his girlfriend, who would presumablty masturbate while watching her "mate" mating with someone else.

And these twisted, loveless freaks have the shamelessness to condemn others for unnatural sexual behavior.

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And these twisted, loveless freaks have the shamelessness to condemn others for unnatural sexual behavior.

This poor boy is so confused, it must hurt his pinhead to from a thought. See, that's the point, bb brain...all these twisted Xtian sickos condemning everyone else's behaviour when theirs is ordures of magnitude worse. To simplify it for that wee thing in your head -- only slightly less shrivelled, one supposes, than the shrivelled thing in your shorts -- we're just using guys like this to point out where your moral guardians and bloviators are really coming from.

Duh...see now?

Of course not.

You're terminally stupid.

Oh, and it had nothing to do with the hippie culture. As he stated himself, "Every Georgia boys first girlfriend is a mule."

Damn funny. But such an earnest, wide eyed and simple minded apologia...I was deeply teched.

7:18 PM  
Blogger John said...


This slime--the troll--is for forgiving all sorts of felons (so they can vote for Democrats), but tries to assassinate this man's character and destroy his credibilty because (1) he's a hated Christian and (2) because of a confessed youthful indiscretion (however depraved), which was part & parcel of his devolving gravitation towards and eventual immersement in the hippie subculture in San Francisco.

That he confessed such embarrassingly damaging information about his liberal youth is not only courageous, and not only testament to the fearless integrity of his conservative character, but gives him credence and authority on sexual depravity--not to mention on the saving Grace of Christianity-- not a practising hypocrite, though that's precisely how it's packaged.

It's just a hit piece, and look who's doing the hitting: A vile leftist who demands that the government "Stay out of people's bedrooms," that "People should not be judged on their sexual behavior/orientation," and that sex--in it's myriad forms and deviancies--is "just sex," anyway.

So who's being the hypocrite?

This fool is, and doesn't even realize it bacause his parents and schools failed to instill good conscience and reasoning.

If that's Karl (a.k.a. frankie), that sleaze boasted of having sex with other women in front of his girlfriend, who would presumablty masturbate while watching her "mate" mating with someone else.

And these twisted, loveless freaks have the shamelessness to condemn others for unnatural sexual behavior.

8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shrill Johnny says AGAIN (it was such a smash hit the first time...hahaha):

This slime--the troll--is for forgiving all sorts of felons (so they can vote for Democrats), but successfully points out that the moral leaders of the reich are hypocritical donkey humpers who, incredibly, are not thereby dissuaded from telling others how to lead a "moral life."

The only thing hard about this assignmentation is trying to demonstrate the obvious to sloooooooooow people.

9:58 PM  
Blogger John said...


This slime--the troll--is for forgiving all sorts of felons (so they can vote for Democrats), but tries to assassinate this man's character and destroy his credibilty because (1) he's a hated Christian and (2) because of a confessed youthful indiscretion (however depraved), which was part & parcel of his devolving gravitation towards and eventual immersement in the hippie subculture in San Francisco.

That he confessed such embarrassingly damaging information about his liberal youth is not only courageous, and not only testament to the fearless integrity of his conservative character, but gives him credence and authority on sexual depravity--not to mention on the saving Grace of Christianity-- not a practising hypocrite, though that's precisely how it's packaged.

It's just a hit piece, and look who's doing the hitting: A vile leftist who demands that the government "Stay out of people's bedrooms," that "People should not be judged on their sexual behavior/orientation," and that sex--in it's myriad forms and deviancies--is "just sex," anyway.

So who's being the hypocrite?

This fool is, and doesn't even realize it bacause his parents and schools failed to instill good conscience and reasoning.

If that's Karl (a.k.a. frankie), that sleaze boasted of having sex with other women in front of his girlfriend, who would presumablty masturbate while watching her "mate" mating with someone else.

And these twisted, loveless freaks have the shamelessness to condemn others for unnatural sexual behavior.

5:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heeeeeeeeee haw said...
Shrill Johnny says AGAIN (it was such a smash hit the first time...hahaha):

This slime--the troll--is for forgiving all sorts of felons (so they can vote for Democrats), but successfully points out that the moral leaders of the reich are hypocritical donkey humpers who, incredibly, are not thereby dissuaded from telling others how to lead a "moral life."

The only thing hard about this assignmentation is trying to demonstrate the obvious to sloooooooooow people.

8:17 AM  
Blogger John said...

How's your reading comprehension abilities?

No wonder lefties have been lowering the bar on the verbal (and math) SATs.


"That he confessed such embarrassingly damaging information about his liberal youth is not only courageous, and not only testament to the fearless integrity of his conservative character, but gives him credence and authority on sexual depravity--not to mention on the saving Grace of Christianity-- not a practising hypocrite, though that's precisely how it's packaged."

Can you understand that, dolt?

Hint: It's kinda like the concept behind restoring all rights of citizenship to felons who paid their debt to society.

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John 0 - I have not read your blog in a while - But I do and immediately I am bombarded by comments from people discussing so and so dating Mules.

Dude - you need a more upscale crowd.

11:03 PM  

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