
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door." The Statue of Liberty (P.S. Please be so kind as to enter through the proper channels and in an orderly fashion)

Location: Arlington, Virginia, United States

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Ugly Americans?

Imagine that President George W. Bush and the First Lady decide to skip their "same-ol,' same ol'" vacation in Crawford and instead decide to visit a third world African nation.

It then comes out in the press that a restaurateur was forbidden by the Secret Service from driving into an area that the power couple and their entourage were occupying, and, in his anger, gave the finger before driving off.

A Secret Serviceman, however, thought that such disrespect shown towards the Most Famous Couple in the World should not go unpunished, and he gave chase, forced the restaurateur's car off the road, then hit, kicked and punched him.

What would be the reaction from the Bush-hating Left?

That the president, despite his contrived attempt to make the cover of National Geographic and pose as a United Nations Ambassador, couldn't help but shatter that thin facade like the Hulk ripping out of his shirt at the slightest provocation and showing his true colors as an imperialistic, ugly American fascist who treats the world like a personal playground and, despite photo-ops of him and Laura seemingly alone and blending in with the locals, is actually surrounded by strong-armed bullies ready to remind the locals of their inferior place?

But that's what happened in Namibia, where Hollywood power-couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie went to birth their child.

Millions--if not billions-- of people around the world have gone through great difficulties to come to America and give birth to their children here, and make them instant American citizens.

For Pitt and Jolie to go out of their way to give birth in a Third World country is a "hip" but not-so-subtle slap to the country which is their home and has been so very good to them.

The photo-ops of their unpretentious and down-to-earth hobnobbing with the locals belies the lurking American muscle which quickly punishes any foreigner who dares besmirch icons of Americana.

The local businessman who was obstructed by the entourage made an obscene gesture, and drove off.

He was chased by one of the the couple's bodyguards, stopped, kicked, hit, punched, and suffered damage to his eye.

Republicus wasn't there and doesn't know exactly what transpired. Furthermore, he knows nothing of Pitt or Jolie's politics (though he can venture a guess).

Also, perhaps the Pitt-Jolie's are offended by their bodyguard's overly-enthused devotion to them and will fire him.

But this isn't about Pitt or Jolie.

What Republicus can be damn sure of is that their ambassadorial gesture is viewed by the celebrity-worshipping Left as a paradigm and something that was organized out of the purest, "humanitarian" of motives, and will be immunized from any of the type of criticism that would be leveled at the President--or any prominent conservative, for that matter--under the exact same conditions (e.g. "Ugly American Fascists!").

"Hold on there, Republicus," someone might voice, "You're comparing a predictable reaction to a hypothetical with the POTUS to a predicted non-reaction regarding an actual incident involving Hollywood royalty?"


Meanwhile, the baby's birth was described, glowingly, as "truly peaceful."

Tell that to the Namibian who probably needs to wear an eyepatch for a while.


Blogger nanc said...

well, thank G-d their child will NEVER be president of the u.s., not having been born a natural citizen.

they're just another, "hey, everybody look at me!" couple. no substance.

9:31 PM  
Blogger John said...

Jeff said:

"I hate double standards but in all fairness, there's no way Pitt or Jolie condoned this."

I was fair:

"Republicus wasn't there and doesn't know exactly what transpired...Also, perhaps the Pitt-Jolie's are offended by their bodyguard's overly-enthused devotion to them and will fire him."

I also said:

"But this isn't about Pitt or Jolie.

The point was this:

"What Republicus can be damn sure of is that their ambassadorial gesture is viewed by the celebrity-worshipping Left as a paradigm and something that was organized out of the purest, "humanitarian" of motives, and will be immunized from any of the type of criticism that would be leveled at the President--or any prominent conservative, for that matter--under the exact same conditions (e.g. 'Ugly American Fascists!')."

Nanc said:

"well, thank G-d their child will NEVER be president of the u.s., not having been born a natural citizen."

I think their baby has dual citizenship--or can easily make it so.

As to the Consitutional qualification of actually being born on U.S. *terra firma,* their was pretty recent chatter--no, real discussion--about Shwarznegger's presidential qualifications on that very point, and trial balloons were floated about amending the Constitutiuon for the very sake of the likes of Ah-nuld.

And he not only was born abroad, but his parents weren't even American citizens.

A lot can happen in 40 years, particularly when considering the galloping pace of globalization.

8:17 AM  

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