
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door." The Statue of Liberty (P.S. Please be so kind as to enter through the proper channels and in an orderly fashion)

Location: Arlington, Virginia, United States

Monday, April 17, 2006

Breaking News: White House Sponsors Pagan Fertility Festival And Indoctrinates The Children!

According to Bede (c. 672 - 735), writing in De Tempore Ratione ("On the Reckoning of Time"), Ch. xv, "The English months", the word "Easter" comes from Eostre, an Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring, who presided over the month of Eostremonat, which corresponds to our April.

Bede goes on to write that the predominate spring festival in 2nd century Europe was a boisterous, celebration of fertility in honor of the Saxon Goddess Eastre, whose sacred animal was a hare.

The hare is often associated with moon goddesses, who themselves presided over the reckoning of time ("month" etymologically refers to a full cycle of the moon).

And, of course, mating season--i.e. Springtime-- is when life begins to "multiply like rabbits," a "res-erection" (if you will) after the death-like impotency of winter.

Pagan fertility festivals at the time of the Spring equinox were ubiquitous. It was believed that, at this time, male and female energies were in harmony, with the egg and the hare together respectively representing the god and the goddess.

The colored eggs are even more ancient than the Saxon Eastre, existing in ancient Rome and Greece as symbols of rebirth and fertility, and figuring in the festivals of resurrected deities.

(science has since demystified the Great Mystery of reproduction and today's "Eastre eggs"--it seems-- are no longer symbolic but actual, conceived in chemists' laboratories, laid by factories, and encapsulized in the little fertility "eggs" of Viagra and Cialis.)

Over a thousand years later, like children today eagerly awaiting the arrival of the magical elf Kris Kringle (a.k.a. Santa Claus) at the winter equinox, children in Germany awaited the arrival of Oschter Haws, an egg-laying rabbit.

That German tradition is what popularized the 'Easter bunny' in America, when introduced to the melting pot, cultural fabric by German settlers in Pennsylvania.

Today, Neo-pagan and earth-based religions have embraced these symbols as part of their religious practice, worshipping the fertility aspects of spring as did their ancient, pagan forebears (although they call themselves--get this--"New Age").

So, apparently, it's okay to have a president allow pagan religious traditions to be carried out on government property (i.e. the annual White House Easter Egg Hunt)...

...just don't you dare say something like "Merry Christmas!" or "Christ Has Risen," because that would favor one religion over another and compromise the separation of Church & State!


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