
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door." The Statue of Liberty (P.S. Please be so kind as to enter through the proper channels and in an orderly fashion)

Location: Arlington, Virginia, United States

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Well. That settles it.

Judge tosses lawsuit challenging Obama citizenship

Oct 25, 3:37 PM (ET)

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit challenging Barack Obama's qualifications to be president.

U.S. District Judge R. Barclay Surrick on Friday night rejected the suit by attorney Philip J. Berg, who alleged that Obama was not a U.S. citizen and therefore ineligible for the presidency. Berg claimed that Obama is either a citizen of his father's native Kenya or became a citizen of Indonesia after he moved there as a boy.

Obama was born in Hawaii to an American mother and a Kenyan father. His parents divorced and his mother married an Indonesian man.

Internet-fueled conspiracy theories question whether Obama is a "natural-born citizen" as required by the Constitution for a presidential candidate and whether he lost his citizenship while living abroad

The reasoning:

Surrick ruled that Berg lacked standing to bring the case, saying any harm from an allegedly ineligible candidate was "too vague and its effects too attenuated to confer standing on any and all voters."

It would just violate the Contitution's prerequisites for POTUS.

No biggie.


Blogger John said...

There goes the October Surprise.

3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can an American citizen lack "standing" in a suit questioning the basic qualifications of a candidate seeking a public office?

Sounds like it's time to start impeaching judges.

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would just violate the Contitution's prerequisites for POTUS.

No biggie.

So I guess that King George III would be just as qualified to govern the American people as George Washington...

Plato, "Republic"

Yes, I said; and loyal citizens are insultingly termed by her slaves who hug their chains and men of naught; she would have subjects who are like rulers, and rulers who are like subjects: these are men after her own heart, whom she praises and honours both in private and public. Now, in such a State, can liberty have any limit?

Certainly not.

By degrees the anarchy finds a way into private houses, and ends by getting among the animals and infecting them.

How do you mean?

I mean that the father grows accustomed to descend to the level of his sons and to fear them, and the son is on a level with his father, he having no respect or reverence for either of his parents; and this is his freedom, and the metic is equal with the citizen and the citizen with the metic, and the stranger is quite as good as either.

Yes, he said, that is the way.

And these are not the only evils, I said—there are several lesser ones: In such a state of society the master fears and flatters his scholars, and the scholars despise their masters and tutors; young and old are all alike; and the young man is on a level with the old, and is ready to compete with him in word or deed; and old men condescend to the young and are full of pleasantry and gaiety; they are loth to be thought morose and authoritative, and therefore they adopt the manners of the young.

Quite true, he said.

The last extreme of popular liberty is when the slave bought with money, whether male or female, is just as free as his or her purchaser; nor must I forget to tell of the liberty and equality of the two sexes in relation to each other.

Why not, as Aeschylus says, utter the word which rises to our lips?

That is what I am doing, I replied; and I must add that no one who does not know would believe, how much greater is the liberty which the animals who are under the dominion of man have in a democracy than in any other State: for truly, the she-dogs, as the proverb says, are as good as their she-mistresses, and the horses and asses have a way of marching along with all the rights and dignities of freemen; and they will run at any body who comes in their way if he does not leave the road clear for them: and all things are just ready to burst with liberty.

When I take a country walk, he said, I often experience what you describe. You and I have dreamed the same thing.

And above all, I said, and as the result of all, see how sensitive the citizens become; they chafe impatiently at the least touch of authority, and at length, as you know, they cease to care even for the laws, written or unwritten; they will have no one over them.

Yes, he said, I know it too well.

Such, my friend, I said, is the fair and glorious beginning out of which springs tyranny.

Glorious indeed, he said.

5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is only one person in this campaign who was born outside the USA - John McCain. Born in Panama Canal Zone.

There is has never been
anything remotely close
to proof that Obama
was born anywhere
but where he was born.

It's just a racist rumor.

You won't help McCain by spreading this stuff.

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what it's all about - Obama's birth cert.

In the recent past, a smear merchant named Corsi spread the rumor among racists that the cosmopolitcan Obama was secretly born abroad.

So Obama has a birth certificate that shows he was born in the US, while McCain was born in Panama.

Hey - when is Joe the Stand In Stunt gonna
come up with a plumbers license.


10:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Fox news surprise:

6:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the metaphor

This is McCain on Monday - Part 3 is McCain on Tuesday.

6:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is has never been
anything remotely close
to proof that Obama
was born anywhere
but where he was born.

True. So produce the birth certificate or FORFEIT the race. PROVE that he's QUALIFIED!

6:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...becuase "where he was born" is currently a MYSTERY.

6:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Alice you fat cow read the comments there is a link to the birth certificate above.

So where's the official embossed seal?

It's a birth certificate alright. Too bad, it's an INVALID one.

And while we're on the topic of vulgar posts, I don't appreciate you allowing demeaning personal attacks.

Your crude/vulgar anonymous troll seems to initiate ALL of the posted vulgarities around here.

1:08 PM  
Blogger John said...

Exactly. It's like Obama accusing the opposition of negative attacks (when the opposition is defending itself from negative attacks) and taking the opportunity to go on more negative attacks to explain why (because they're "desperate," "mean-spirited," etc.).

The hypocritical double-standard is astonishing.

1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RULE 4: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

Of course the squeeky wheel Alinkyite will always get the grease from the rulesmaker, especially if they play the "victim card" first. The rulemaker then ends up enforcing the rule against his own allies, instead of against his opponents, since his allies less likely to play "victim" and appeal to the rulebook.

2:17 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

about McCain being born in Panama...the question is about being a natural born citizen and that he is still a citizen.

McCain's parents were US Citizens. It was the military that took them to Panama. It happens all the time.

Obama's citizenship is still a matter of doubt.

2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure your anonymous goes 300 pounds, that's why she has to post "anonymously".

6:10 AM  
Blogger John said...

Don't worry, Alice. Our pal fj endures worse abuse. I'm sure you have the resources--if not the testicles--to likewise laugh off any bullying from diseased ectomorphs whose words mean nothing.

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! Stand tall fatty and hide that giant gut of yours. Sheesh, when was the last time you saw 300 lbs? If you could step away from the buffet table long enough maybe you could hook up with the 9/11 truthers and think some more Obama conspiracies up! Wait a sec, you have testicles?!!? John thinks you are man! LOL

5:05 PM  
Blogger John said...

I said "if not the testicles..."

8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew Fat Cow.

You, ma'am, are no Fat Cow.

Now, I haven't ruled out the pork family.

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha...and now "she" has testicles?

They got used to the idea with Barbara Bush.

10:17 PM  
Blogger John said...

You must mean Janet Reno.

2:24 PM  

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